Impairment Related Work Expenses

Allows the deduction of costs associated with certain Impairment-Related Work Expenses that are needed, in order to work, from your earnings if SSA approves the expenses. This is especially important for SSI recipients and when performing SGA level work, for SSDI.


Subsidies and Special Conditions

“Subsidies” and “Special Conditions” refer to support you receive on the job that could result in your receiving more pay than the actual value of the services you performed. This work incentive does not apply to SSI recipients.


Unincurred Business Expenses

“Unincurred business expenses” refers to self-employment business support that someone provides to you at no cost. This work incentive does not apply to SSI recipients.


Unsuccessful Work Attempts

An unsuccessful work attempt is an effort by a disabled individual to do substantial work that either stopped or produced earnings below the Substantial Gainful Activity level after 6 months or less because of the individual’s disabling condition, or elimination of the special services or assistance that the individual needed in order to work. This work incentive does not apply to SSI recipients.


Continued Payments Under a Vocational Rehabilitation Program (Section 301 payments)

If you medically recover and no longer meet SSA’s definition of disability, your monthly payments can continue if you are actively participating in an approved VR program that is expected to help you become self-supporting. Your monthly SSDI and/or SSI payments can continue until you complete the program.


Plan to Achieve Self-Support (PASS)

PASS lets Individuals with Disabilities set aside money and things he or she owns to pay for items or services needed to achieve a specific work goal.


Trial Work Period (TWP)

The Trial Work Period allows you to test your ability to work for at least 9 months. During your Trial Work Period, you will receive your full disability benefit regardless of how much you earn as long as your work activity has been reported and you continue to have a disabling impairment. The 9 months does not need to be consecutive, and your Trial Work Period will last until you accumulate 9 months within a rolling 60-month period.


Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE)

If your disability benefits stop after successfully completing the trial work period because you worked at the Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) level, your benefits can be automatically reinstated without a new application for any months in which your earnings drop below the SGA level. This reinstatement period lasts for 36 consecutive months following the end of the trial work period. You must continue to have a disabling impairment in addition to having earnings below the SGA level for that month.


Extended Period of Medicare Coverage (EPMC)

Most persons with disabilities who work will continue to receive at least 93 consecutive months of Hospital (Part A); Supplemental Medical Insurance (Part B), if enrolled; and Prescription Drug coverage (Part D), if enrolled, after the 9-month Trial Work Period. You do not pay a premium for Part A. Although cash benefits may cease due to work, you have the assurance of continued health insurance. (93 months is 7 years and 9 months.

SSI Only

Earned Income Exclusion (EIE)

Social Security does not count the first $65 of the earnings you receive in a month, plus one-half of the remaining earnings. This means that less than one-half of your earnings are counted when SSI payments amounts are calculated.  This is applied in addition to the $20 general income exclusion. The $20 general income exclusion is first applied to any unearned income that you may receive.

SSI Only

Student Earned Income Exclusion (SEIE)

If you are under age 22 and regularly attending school, a portion of earned income is not counted when SSI payments are calculated. There are monthly limits and an annual maximum that change yearly based on cost-of-living adjustments.

SSI Only

Blind Work Expenses (BWE)

Earned income that a blind individual uses to meet the expenses of working does not count when we determine SSI eligibility and payment amount. The expenses do not need to be related to blindness and include earned income used to pay income taxes, meals consumed during work hours, transportation costs or guide dog expenses.

SSI Only

Continued Medicaid Eligibility (Section 1619 (b))

Your Medicaid coverage can continue even if your earnings along with your other income become too high for an SSI cash payment. In addition to the qualification requirements for Section 1619(a) below, you must need Medicaid in order to work and meet certain income restrictions.

SSI Only

Special Benefits for People Eligible Under Section 1619 (a) or (b) Who Enter a Medical Treatment Facility

Section 1619(a) of the Supplemental Security law permits people to continue to receive an SSI payment while they work. Under Section 1619(b), you may continue to be eligible for Medicaid coverage. If a beneficiary is eligible under section 1619, they can receive a SSI cash benefit for up to 2 months while in a Medicaid facility or a public medical or psychiatric facility.

SSI Only

Reinstatement of Eligibility Without a New Application

If you have not been eligible for an SSI benefit for 12 months or less, you do not have to file a new application to reinstate your SSI cash payments or Medicaid coverage.


Expedited Reinstatement (EXR)

If your benefits ended because you are out of your EPE phase and below SGA level work, you can request that your benefits start again without having to complete a new application. While we determine whether you can get benefits again, we can give you provisional (temporary) benefits for up to 6 months.

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